안드로이드 애플 리케이션

안드로이드 애플 리케이션 유형 안전



앱 ID:
보안 및 바이러스 백신
14 MB
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안드로이드 필요:
Android 4.1, 4.1.1 or higher
AppLock Theme By DoMobile
이전 버전


AppLock Android 앱

Put a lock on any part of your Android device

AppLock is a lightweight app that lets you lock almost any type of file on your Android. The most basic feature locks your applications so nobody can access or uninstall them, but you can lock photographs, videos, and even contacts and individual messages.
The application works in a very simple way. First, you have to create a numeric password to unlock the application you want to protect. From that moment on, every time that app is opened, it will require you to insert the password you have defined. Even if another user tries to uninstall it, this password window will not allow it.
The best thing about this app is that you can even hide its icon so nobody knows that you have it installed on your device, though they'll figure it out if it asks them to insert the corresponding password.
The app includes another interesting features like:
- Picture Vault, which lets you keep some pictures in a virtual safe, and only you can open it.
- Lock/unlock apps automatically according the time or location.
- Set different profiles to lock different apps, random keyboard: prevent other people peeping the password.
- Fake Cover: you can put a cover like fingerprint scanner or force closed message on locked apps to confuse the intruder.
- Quick lock switch on status bar, brief exit and so on.
AppLock is an interesting application. With it, you can add an additional safety net to your device and never worry again about handing it over to a friend.
Reviewed by Álvaro Toledo
Translated by Localization Team
Android 4.1, 4.1.1 or higher required

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